Environment Why the IPCC’s New Focus on Mountain Climate Change Is a Big Deal Better science coordination will help mountain communities prepare for global warming. Bob Berwyn
Environment How I Came to Believe Science Will Save the World In the field, researchers find ways to repair bits and pieces of a disrupted world. My own path began 30 years ago at Mono Lake. Bob Berwyn
Environment Why Trump’s Plan to Repeal the Clean Power Plan Isn’t Catastrophic The Trump administration's attempt to undo climate regulations won't have a big impact on U.S. emissions and won't revive the coal industry. Bob Berwyn
Environment The EPA Could Have a Hard Time Repealing the Clean Power Plan A new rule-making process will start another lengthy battle over climate regulations. Bob Berwyn
Environment Tsunamis Are Bringing New Species to Our Coasts A new study shows how early monitoring and response efforts could prevent costly impacts. Bob Berwyn
Environment The Trump Administration Backs Away From Its Plan to Suspend the Transportation Greenhouse Gas Rule Lawsuits by states and advocacy groups are effectively blocking some of the most egregious attacks on environmental regulations. Bob Berwyn
Environment The EPA Rollback Continues With an Attack on the Coal Ash Rule The administration wants to eliminate 2015 regulations—a move that would disproportionately harm lower-income regions and neighborhoods. Bob Berwyn
Environment How Global Warming Could Push Hurricanes to New Regions Shifts in hemispheric weather patterns may steer tropical systems toward the poles—bad news for New York, New England, and Western Europe. Bob Berwyn
Environment Clarifying the Links Between Climate Change and Fiercer Hurricanes As Atlantic hurricanes intensify, it's clear that failing to act on science will increase the risks from future storms. Bob Berwyn
Environment How to Plan for the Intensifying Hurricanes of a Warming World As hurricanes intensify, the president cuts science funding and talk-radio hosts cry conspiracy. Bob Berwyn