As top ranking groups get grades, the nation’s foremost accrediting commission nearly doubles the number of hospitals named “top performers.” What’s it all mean?
Many state and federal insurance pools covering patients with pre-existing conditions are set to close December 31, but it’s an open question whether patients will be able to find policies on in time.
A former federal health official says consumers in the individual health-care market deserved more of a heads-up about what was coming under Obamacare.
While California’s insurance commissioner forces a three-month delay for 115,000 cancellations, the Obama administration says consumers are being “migrated” to better policies.
Lack of kids’ dental benefits, other coverage gaps help “tank” couple’s Kaiser Permanente insurance plan—but so did contracts with California’s health insurance exchange.
Lee Hammack and his wife JoEllen Brothers thought they had a great insurance plan. Now, their cost is more than doubling to $1,300 a month, with higher out-of-pocket costs.
Inside the Obama administration, political considerations slowed development of the health care exchanges. Or was it a blanket of Republican opposition around the country?
Hundreds of thousands of individual policyholders, at minimum, will have to find new plans as insurers respond to new coverage requirements under Obamacare. But is that necessarily bad?