Economics Trump’s ‘Economic Nationalism’ Has Nothing to Do With Economics But it's got everything to do with xenophobia. Jared Keller
News in Brief Do Cable News Networks Have an Obligation to Rebroadcast September 11th Footage? MSNBC is discontinuing its annual tradition of replaying the network's breaking 9/11 coverage. Is that the best decision? Jared Keller
News in Brief The Broken Promise of ‘Never Again’ If liberal democracies categorically reject genocide as the pinnacle of human evil, why don't they do anything to stop it? Jared Keller
News in Brief What the Trump Administration Doesn’t Get About the EPA and Disaster Response Reports of the agency's apparent absence from Superfund sites underscores the consequences of its withdrawal from public life. Jared Keller
News in Brief The Complicated Role Churches Play in Disaster Relief The Joel Osteen controversy highlights the importance of faith-based organizations in times of need. Jared Keller
Environment Could Hurricane Harvey Deal a Fatal Blow to Climate Change Skepticism? A growing body of research suggests that perceptions of climate change are influenced by experience with climate-related natural disasters. Jared Keller
News in Brief Welcome to the New Age of Anarcho-Fascism The fundamental principles of the alt-right have been around for nearly a century. Jared Keller
News in Brief Trump’s Nuclear Showdown With North Korea Is Decades in the Making The biggest mistake the U.S. ever made was relying on human beings to keep the world from nuclear annihilation. Jared Keller
News in Brief Is the White House Being Reshaped by the Military? There haven't been this many generals in the executive branch since World War II. Jared Keller
News in Brief Americans Love Guns, but They Have No Idea How to Use Them Devotion to the Second Amendment has somehow replaced personal responsibility as the core idea of the right to bear arms. Jared Keller