News in Brief How Facebook Is Throwing Our Brains Into Overdrive Has Facebook fundamentally transformed human behavior—and is such damage irreparable? Jared Keller
Economics The Agony of Rural America’s Inescapable Broadband Gap The T-Mobile settlement is a stark reminder that waiting for private industry to make the investment is a losing proposition. Jared Keller
News in Brief Trump’s Impossible Choice in Syria Should the U.S. retaliate after the latest deadly airstrike in Syria? Jared Keller
News in Brief James Brown Kept the Peace in Boston After MLK Was Assassinated. Is Such Solidarity Possible Today? Is a moment of solidarity possible in an age of decentralized media? Jared Keller
News in Brief The Goal of the ‘Fake News’ Canard Isn’t Propaganda—It’s Epistemic Chaos What started as a political tactic has evolved into a social virus. Jared Keller
News in Brief Facebook and the Reckoning of the Modern Self The most disturbing insight into the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal has little to do with either Facebook or Cambridge Analytica. Jared Keller
News in Brief Does the Secretary of State Still Matter? Under Trump, the Department of State has become a shell of its former self, and nobody—not Tillerson, not Pompeo—can change that. Jared Keller
News in Brief Americans Worship the Second Amendment, but They Don’t Respect Their Firearms Research shows that over half of U.S. gun owners aren't storing all their guns safely. Jared Keller
News in Brief The Supreme Court’s Missed Opportunity to Undo the Long Legacy of Its Korematsu Decision Bad jurisprudence, like history, tends to repeat itself. Jared Keller
News in Brief Jeff Sessions Reveals the Department of Justice’s Cluelessness on Gun Violence The attorney general vowed to use the Department of Justice to confront America's gun problem. Well, sort of. Jared Keller