Arizona’s state legislature is unhappy about losing the ability to draw district lines, which has resulted in a major lawsuit. What will the Supreme Court say, and will its decision call into question a host of other electoral reforms?
The Supreme Court appears poised to overturn existing restrictions on campaign finance after hearing arguments in McCutcheon v. FEC this Tuesday. The question will likely be how deeply the justices will cut.
Politicians are all about self-promotion and self-awareness. With a little help from the naming conventions of a vegan menu, could these attributes be used to better inform voters?
While a conservative majority drove a stake through a key portion of the VRA this week, they had given Congress years to take the implement out of their hands.
What’s the good news that might come out of the current IRS scandal? It might rip the veil off of entities that, since the Citizens United decision, wrap themselves in the protective layer of the IRS code only to operate in the shadows.