Social Justice San Francisco’s Fortress Against Gentrification The Tenderloin hasn't gentrified in part because the quality of housing supply is repugnant. Jim Russell
Social Justice Silicon Cleveland, Where the Rent Isn’t Too Damn High Why bother with the high talent costs of London, San Francisco, or even Warsaw? Jim Russell
Economics Silicon Valley Is Detroit: Are Zoning Laws to Blame? Peter Thiel is concerned that innovation cannot afford San Francisco or New York City. Jim Russell
Economics Creative Urban Spaces Don’t Promote Innovation No, cities are powered by the exploitation of ambition. Jim Russell
Economics The Geography of Anti-Gentrification: Google Buses and the World Trade Center Why aren't Google and Twitter welcome in San Francisco? Jim Russell
Economics Ireland: Gentrification of a Nation The term is selectively applied, depending on personal politics, and obscures much more pressing problems. Jim Russell
Economics Why Is Gentrification Such a Hot Topic? For a new demographic, the urban zip code has cachet. Jim Russell
Economics New York City’s Perpetual Gentrification Why the loudest anti-gentrification protesters come from the wealthiest areas in the wealthiest countries in the entire world. Jim Russell
Economics Identity: State of Mind or State of Place? The ongoing debates about gentrification boil down to nothing more than one big turf war. Jim Russell
Economics YURPs, Burps, and Globalizing Big Easy The effects of gentrification in New Orleans. Jim Russell