Social Justice The Mystery of Human Touch Scientists are learning more about how we process feelings of gentle touch. New discoveries published Sunday could help restore fading sensations—and ease painful hypersensitivity. John Upton
Environment Your Soybeans Are Better for You When There’s Not Tons of Weedkiller in Them Organic soybeans sampled from Iowa had significantly higher protein levels, and they had lower levels of fatty acids that can lead to obesity. John Upton
Economics This Is Why Cartoons on Cereal Boxes Leer at Your Children When a cartoon character gazes into our eyes from a cereal box, it increases our trust in the brand and our connection with it. John Upton
Environment The Media Is Only Telling You Half of the Climate Change Story Network news outlets are tricking us into thinking there's nothing we can do about climate change. John Upton
Education Natural History Isn’t Dead–It Just Crawled Into a Microscope Natural history collections are consolidating. Lessons are being dropped from biology courses. But amid the apparent carnage, microbiology is rising. John Upton