Environment The Best Encrypted Messaging Programs A new ranking of popular encrypted messaging programs finds the ones that are most effective at protecting users’ privacy. Julia Angwin
Environment It’s Complicated: Facebook’s History of Tracking You Facebook is launching an aggressive technique to follow people across the Web. Julia Angwin
Environment Why Online Tracking Is Getting Creepier The merger of online and offline data is bringing more intrusive tracking. Julia Angwin
Environment Privacy Tools: A Quick Guide to Encrypting the Data You Store and Transmit Here are some techniques that anybody can use to protect their privacy online. Julia Angwin
Environment The U.S. Needs to Stop Running Internet Security Like a Wikipedia Volunteer Project One lesson of the Heartbleed bug is that our government is paying to undermine Internet security, not to fix it. Julia Angwin
Environment Privacy Tools: How to Safely Browse the Web It’s not easy to keep your data private while surfing the Internet, but here are a few tools that can help. Julia Angwin