Social Justice ‘Smoke’ alter ego: Tobacco Magneto, The Joker, Lex Luthor. Every comic series has its top villain, and the world of evil plants… Julia Griffin
Economics That Looks Healthy — Gimme the Fries Think the world is a healthier place now that McDonalds has salads and yogurt on the menu? Think again. Julia Griffin
Environment Ten Super Plants Fighting the Environmental Injustice League Who ya gonna call when your tank's on 'E,' the topsoil's salty or there's too much TNT? The 10 plants believes can save the world, that's who. Julia Griffin
Social Justice ‘The Spore’ alter ego: Gliocladium roseum OK, so technically it’s not a plant (it’s a reddish fungus), but under limited oxygen conditions Gliocladium roseum… Julia Griffin
Social Justice ‘The Tidy Team’ alter ego: Tobacco, Edenfern, Thale Cress Phytoremediation. Intimidating word, important biological process. Put simply, phytoremediation is using plants to clean up contaminants in polluted… Julia Griffin
Social Justice ‘Hydro’ alter ego: Duckweed Part wastewater purifier, part protein shake, an aquatic plant named “duckweed” could make a splash as another big… Julia Griffin
Social Justice ‘Prof. Plastic’ alter ego: Arabidopsis thaliana On its own Arabidopsis thaliana, commonly referred to as “wall cress,” is just a small flowering plant. But… Julia Griffin
Social Justice ‘Madame Salt’ alter ego: Dwarf Glasswort According to the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization, nearly 20 percent of the world’s irrigated agricultural lands are… Julia Griffin
Social Justice ‘Commander Carbon’ alter ego: Spekboom Once considered just an ornamental bonsai plant outside of its home range of South Africa, the shrub Portulacaria… Julia Griffin
Social Justice ‘Captain Biodiesel’ alter ego: Jatropha curcus Google “jatropha,” specifically the species Jatropha curcus, and it’s hard to miss the hundreds of Web sites touting… Julia Griffin