Economics Hey, Come Try This Organic Corn Dog If you tell us something's organic, we'll believe you—and we'll pay more for it. Kevin Charles Fleming
Economics Pitfalls of the Teen Dating Scene High school students who date around spend more time partying and less time hitting the books Kevin Charles Fleming
Economics Health Care Bias Even in Canada Canada may have universal health care, but to get an appointment, it still helps to be upper crust. Kevin Charles Fleming
Economics Rebates Aim to Foster Healthier Eating in South Africa Can rebates on fruits and vegetables encourage us to shop more healthfully? Kevin Charles Fleming
Economics Snack Food, Star Appeal When it comes to advertising, celebrity endorsements mean more than you think. Kevin Charles Fleming
Social Justice Doulas Do It Better Providing doulas to low-income mothers-to-be could save Medicaid millions. Kevin Charles Fleming
Economics Bloodthirsty Charities When it comes to blood donation, nothing matters more than message. Kevin Charles Fleming
Economics Big Data, Big Brother and the ‘Like’ Button When you add them all up, what do your Facebook Likes reveal about you? More than you might think Kevin Charles Fleming
Environment Wanna Save the Rhino? Legalize Horn Farming Black-market rhino horns are more valuable than gold or cocaine. Could legalized "horn farming" save the endangered species? Kevin Charles Fleming
Economics Organic Food Fight, Part Two Whole Foods shoppers, take heart: organic produce isn’t a total scam. Kevin Charles Fleming