News in Brief A Fishing War Off Somalia? Despite some successes in thwarting Somali pirates, itchy trigger fingers may serve no one's interests except for private security agencies. Michael Scott Moore
News in Brief The Politics of Ransom Do Europeans and Americans have different reasons to fear Somali pirates? Michael Scott Moore
News in Brief What Are Those Warships Doing Off Somalia? Pirate-fightin' navies find that parking off the Horn of Africa provides cover for counterterrorism and protects scofflaw fishermen. Michael Scott Moore
News in Brief Sending in the Marines Counterpiracy strategies, old and new, find historic precedence for both passivity and aggressiveness. Michael Scott Moore
Social Justice Autumn Trends in the Pirate War In the new season of piracy, both sides show they're eager to evolve. Michael Scott Moore
Social Justice The Real Cost of Ransom How can the U.S. and Europe keep ship owners from paying ransoms that make Somali pirates more dangerous? Michael Scott Moore
Social Justice Squinting at the Future of Immigration Health care will change an essential American debate, and it's unlikely to take its cue from anywhere else. Michael Scott Moore
News in Brief This Land Is Your Land Henry George and his 19th-century manifesto have a renewed relevance during the current U.S. health care debate. Michael Scott Moore
News in Brief Should the States Run Public Insurance Instead? Yes, sort of, answers our correspondent as he compares the landscape of Europe's smaller states with the 'United' ones. Michael Scott Moore
News in Brief Fostering Abortion With Soviet Gusto One way America resembles the old Communist bloc can be found in the nexus of abortion and public health care. Michael Scott Moore