Economics How Do You Make a Living, Auctioneer? Noah Davis talks to CK Swett, a rising star in the auctioneering world, about the secret to raising millions of dollars, how he lands his gigs, and why auctioneering is a young man's game. Noah Davis
Social Justice Why the College Football Playoff Is Terrible But Better Than Before The sample size is still embarrassingly small, but at least there's less room for the availability cascade. Noah Davis
Environment What Makes You So Smart, Web Editor? Noah Davis talks to Owen Thomas about late nights on his old high school literary magazine, early HTML, and his editorial philosophy. Noah Davis
Social Justice ‘Mad Men’ and the Scheduled DVR Binge Cable channels are capitalizing on the benefits of scheduling good TV when nobody's watching. Noah Davis
Economics How Do You Make a Living, Taxidermist? Taxidermist Katie Innamorato talks to Noah Davis about learning her craft, seeing it become trendy, and the going-rate for a "Moss Fox." Noah Davis
Health & Behavior News in Brief Previous Site Sections The Masterful Marketing of the Heimlich Maneuver Despite its fame, the technique wasn't backed by very much science. Noah Davis
Environment What Makes You So Smart, Computer Programmer? Noah Davis talks to computer whiz Andrew Kirmse about video game development, his time at Google, and his love of code. Noah Davis
Economics The Beauty of the Direct-to-Video Movie Is the stigma against the medium beginning to wear off? Noah Davis
Economics How Do You Make a Living, Email Newsletter Writer? Noah Davis talks to Wait But Why writer Tim Urban about the newsletter concept, the research process, and escaping "money-flushing toilet" status. Noah Davis
Social Justice What Makes You So Smart, Middle School Math Teacher? Noah Davis talks to Vern Williams about what makes middle school—yes, middle school—so great. Noah Davis