News in Brief Candidates Who Explain Progressive Policies via Conservative Principles Could Be Uniquely Persuasive New research finds that voters are more likely to support a liberal candidate whose rhetoric reflects conservative values. Tom Jacobs
Economics How Overconfidence Among the Upper Classes Is Hampering Social Mobility New research finds that high self-regard can come across as competence to potential employers. Tom Jacobs
Economics Responsive Unions Help Make Work Feel More Meaningful New research finds that the boons of union membership can extend beyond wages and benefits. Tom Jacobs
Education How to Combat Gender Bias in Teacher Evaluations New research suggests that simply reminding students about the reality of implicit bias can help them avoid it. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Even Gen Z’ers Are Starting to Believe Clichés About Gen Z There's no scientific consensus that today's young people are especially narcissistic or self-involved, but the public has bought into the notion. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Why Is Hollywood So Liberal? New research provides one possible answer: Highly creative people have a stronger ability to see things from other people's perspectives. Tom Jacobs
Economics Green New Deal Did Fox News Quash Republican Support for the Green New Deal? New research finds that the cable channel played an important role in shaping opinion about the GND. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief A Simple Way to Reduce Harassment in Online Discussion Groups New research finds that prominently posting community rules can make a big difference in deterring trolls. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Political Passion Inspires Trust—Even From Opponents New research finds that your peers—including your opponents—will respect your integrity if you speak emphatically about the social issues that matter to you. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief The Most Racist People Are Also the Most Likely to Underestimate Their Racism New research finds that the famous Dunning-Kruger Effect extends to the way we think about our own racism and sexism. Tom Jacobs