Environment How the Owens Bottle Company Helped End American Child Labor An excerpt from Vince Beiser's new book about how sand transformed civilization. Vince Beiser
News in Brief Into the Eyeballs of Syrian Refugees Is it really a good idea to scan the irises of thousands of vulnerable people? Vince Beiser
Environment When Crime Labs Go Criminal Annie Dookhan, the forensic scientist sent to prison last week for falsifying evidence, is just the tip of the iceberg. Vince Beiser
News in Brief Why Don’t We Just Shoot Condemned Inmates? If we’re going to kill people, there's only one good way to do it. Vince Beiser
Environment Why Disasters Like the Typhoon in the Philippines Will Keep Getting Worse It's not just because of climate change—it's population growth, too. Vince Beiser
News in Brief Sentenced to Die in Prison for Stealing Tools? Why are more than 3,000 inmates serving life without parole in state and federal prisons across the United States for non-violent offenses? Vince Beiser
Social Justice Kids and Guns, Parents and Drugs Journalists are misrepresenting a new study about the number of children killed every year by firearms. Vince Beiser
Social Justice How Lou Reed Showed It’s OK to Be Gay He may have been the world's first out bisexual rock star—but what really matters is that everyone thought he was. Vince Beiser
Economics Hot Growth Industry: Kidnapping Killings are down in Mexico—but kidnapping is way up. Vince Beiser