God forgive me, but some search-engine bait is just too delicious to pass up. In the eyeball-snatching tradition of PETA’s nude-stars-against-fur campaign, a British outfit called Fishlove has launched a series of ads featuring stark-naked celebs from Lizzy Jagger to Sir Ben Kingsley cuddling with aquatic animals – yes, including large-if-not-technically-giant squid – to draw attention to the problem of overfishing. The results are a lot more appealing than you’d expect, as you can see at this slideshow put together by the good folks at Fast Company. The campaign, as FastCo summarizes, is meant to point out less appealing facts such as: “In the Mediterranean, 82% of fish stock are overfished. In the North Sea, 93% of cod are caught before they reproduce. Many once thriving species, including Atlantic bluefin tuna, could go extinct due to overfishing.” Go ahead, take a look. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll question our unsustainable policies related to global cephalopod consumption.
How Do You Make a Living, Freelance Investigative Reporter?
Noah Davis talks to Scott Carney about the difficulty of making a living as a freelance journalist, the art of negotiation, and the evil of Condé Nast.