Where the Billionaires At?

In unequal, poor, super-polluted places.

The Economist just posted a chart—as they do every day in a relevantly-named “Daily chart” feature—comparing cities with the world’s most millionaires. The axes organize between cities with the most millionaires per thousand people and what percentage of the country’s millionaires live in that city. Tokyo has the most millionaires, but Frankfurt, by far, has the most millionaires-per-thousand with 218.

But what about billionaires? [Insert that Facebook quote.] The Economist also lists the cities by number of billionaires, and New York City comes out on top. USA! USA! USA! Here are the top five:

01. New York City: 70 billionaires (8.3 million people)

02. Moscow: 64 billionaires (11.5 million)

03. London 54 billionaires (8.2 million)

04. Hong Kong: 40 billionaires (7 million)

05. Beijing: 29 billionaires (20.7 million)

And here are some other statistics:

• New York City: Over 1.7 million people live in poverty.

• Moscow: The average monthly salary in Russia is around $746.

• London: 430 neighborhoods in London have become poorer since 2004.

• Hong Kong: The median home price is almost 13 times the median household income.

• Beijing: Air pollution levels were 35 times the suggested standard earlier this year.

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