I absolutely love this photograph (embedded above) of a collage on the wall of an activist in the rather new national movement to hold colleges and universities accountable for sexual assault. Referencing Title IX and the “bigger picture,” it documents cross-college efforts to use the amendment to ensure that sex crimes on campuses don’t interfere with women’s rights to equal access to education.
What is exciting is that this is a national movement. The many college names pinned to the board are just some of the schools that have filed, are filing, or will file Title IX complaints with the Office for Civil Rights. “Oxy” is my school.
I’ve been somewhat involved with Oxy’s role in this movement—the credit goes to Drs. Caroline Heldman and Danielle Dirks and the dozens of survivors who, as part of the coalition, have publicly and confidentially shared their stories—but I’ve had the pleasure of talking to journalists about our case. Regarding the national movement, they often ask me “Why now?”
This is a tough question to answer and, first and foremost, credit goes to the extraordinary people at the center of this fight, such as Annie Clark, Andrea Pino, Dana Bolger, and Alexandra Brodsky at Know Your IX. As Margaret Mead famously said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Importantly, though, the efforts of this small group have been greatly enhanced by the Internet and, specifically, social networking sites. Students (and sometimes faculty, staff, and administrators) are no longer confronting these issues alone. They are reaching out across campuses and talking with each other; they are teaching each other how to file federal complaints; they are building and sharing templates; they are sharing stories of institutional foot dragging and spin and developing effective resistance and protest strategies.
For example, Annie Clark, who filed federal complaints against the University of North Carolina, helped professors Dirks and Heldman at Occidental College file their complaints: “Over the past few months,” she writes:
I have spent countless hours with them on Skype and the phone in order to share information and help the[m] write their complaints. Yet, six months ago, I had never even heard of Occidental College — and many of the 37 women there who filed had not yet heard about Title IX protection against gender discrimination beyond athletics.
These coalitions are creating both activist networks and fast friends. This is a picture of students at Swarthmore (Swat) showing their love for students at Occidental (Oxy). Both campuses filed Title IX complaints on the same day:

As Dirks explains, this collaboration is a big deal:
[L]earning the stories of other survivors who are actively pushing their colleges and universities to create safe and equitable learning environments has opened the floodgates of what students now feel empowered to do.
This is all possible, of course, because the Internet is still at least a somewhat democratized technology. You and I are equals on the Internet, at least in principle. So we all have the opportunity to produce content. In contrast, other forms of media—TV, radio, movies, magazines, books—typically offer us only the opportunity to consume.
The activists in this movement have a platform and a megaphone, then, metaphorically speaking. The technology—and our regulation of it in ways that preserve its democratic nature—is helping enable this movement. Just as the TV made a huge difference in shifting popular opinion about the civil rights movement. Accordingly, we need to remember this when corporations fight to own and control the Internet and its distribution. For reasons like this one, we should be fighting back with the goal of making the Internet a public utility. Democracy depends on it.
This post originally appeared onSociological Images, a Pacific Standard partner site.