Education More Evidence That Trained Musicians Are Superior Thinkers New research suggests that practicing Bach and Beethoven can build up the brain. Tom Jacobs
Education Meet the Young Alaska Natives Pursuing a Successful Career in the STEM Fields Pushing back against stereotypes, students in the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program outperform students of all backgrounds in math and science. Lillian Mongeau
Education Betsy DeVos Wants to Overhaul Title IX Procedures. What Will That Mean for Campus Assault Survivors? Cross-examination could soon be a right for those accused of sexual misconduct—but it may not be the most effective way to reveal the truth. Emma Sarappo
Education People With Down Syndrome Are Not Endangered Animals Cute, well-intentioned depictions of people with Down syndrome as charismatic megafauna literally dehumanize them. David M. Perry
Education How Ideas Spread Through the Academy A new study questions the place of meritocracy in higher education. James McWilliams
Education Celebrity Endorsements Help Doubters Accept the Truth of Evolution People who don't believe scientists will listen to George Clooney. Tom Jacobs
Education In the Age of Trump, We Need Cutting-Edge Humanities More Than Ever The latest academic hoax emerges from the same ideological position as the Trump administration's attack on trans rights. David M. Perry
Education Your Taste in Art Helps Predict Your Support for Brexit A different type of post-election analysis finds an aesthetic divide in the United Kingdom. Tom Jacobs
Education Is Texas’ Campus Carry Law Actually Making Anyone Safer? Gun advocates are arguing that the controversial law is keeping students safer, but there's little evidence to back those claims. James McWilliams
Education Fundamentalists Are More Likely to Fall for Fake News So are dogmatic and delusion-prone people, according to new research. Tom Jacobs