Inspired by Andrew Sullivan’s long-running but now defunct View From Your Window Contest and our enthusiasm for collegiate architecture and landscapes, we’ve launched a regular feature at called View From Your Ivory Tower. Since putting out a call for photograph submissions of views from the windows of university campuses in March, we’ve selected and published more than a dozen beautiful scenes. Each week, our readers have also had the chance to guess where these shots were taken. So far, dozens of one-year gift subscriptions to our print magazine have been awarded to both photographers and successful sleuths. In the process, we’ve provided a peek behind the walls and beyond the gates of the institutions where the research we write about is so often conducted. Can you guess where these were taken?

Answer Key: 1. Duke University; 2. University of Chicago; 3. University of Washington.
View From Your Ivory Tower is a photo submission contest. High-resolution photographs of views from the windows of places of higher education should be emailed to and include the name of the institution and a description of the buildings or landscapes pictured. Those whose photos are selected will receive a free one-year subscription to our print magazine.
Submit your response to this story to If you would like us to consider your letter for publication, please include your name, city, and state. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium.
For more from Pacific Standard, and to support our work, sign up for our free email newsletter and subscribe to our print magazine, where this piece originally appeared. Digital editions are available in the App Store and on Zinio and other platforms.