Have you experienced any unusual weather? Maybe you’ve been seeing mild winters without much snow? Or perhaps spring is coming earlier than it used to?
Climate change has affected different regions differently. To prove that point, Climate Central has created a handy-dandy graphic that breaks down these effects by state. Check it out:
As Climate Central points out:
If you look at all four seasons across all of the Lower 48 states—for a grand total of 192 state-season combinations—there are only three instances of cooling. The Dakotas and Iowa are cooling ever so slightly in summer.
The map also offers a look at some important regional trends. In the northern states east of the Rockies, winter is warming quickest. Thinner snow cover may be the culprit, because it creates a feedback loop, Climate Central reports. Without snow, the ground is darker and absorbs more sunlight, making the area even warmer. Meanwhile, in the West and far Northeast, it’s fall that has warmed the most—a fact that doesn’t get as much attention in the news as the hot summers and winters do, perhaps because temperatures aren’t as uncomfortable as they are in the extreme seasons.

“Catastrophic Consequences of Climate Change” is Pacific Standard’s aggressive, year-long investigation into the devastating effects of climate change—and how scholars, legislators, and citizen-activists can help stave off its most dire consequences.