Should All Companies Be Required to Provide Birth Control Benefits to Employees?

A reading list on the Hobby Lobby cases.

On Tuesday, U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Woods birth control cases, the most significant religious-freedom cases in at least a generation. The central issue—should companies whose owners have deep-seated religious objections to some forms of contraception be required to provide birth control benefits to employees under the Affordable Care Act—touches on a plethora of issues that affect women, employers, workers—in other words, almost every American.

A ruling isn’t expected until the end of June, so there’s plenty of time to do some background reading on what has been called one of the most significant civil rights issues of the day. This reading list, compiled by ProPublica’s Nina Martin, is culled from a wide range of sources across the ideological spectrum.

  • In God’s Name, The New York Times, 2006
    For a look at the amazingly broad reach that religious exemptions already have in American law, the New York Times‘ 2006 series is eye-opening.

This post originally appeared on ProPublica as “A Reading List on the Hobby Lobby Cases” and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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