Juggalo and Pro-Trump Rallies May Converge on the National Mall in September

Both groups have scheduled rallies for the same afternoon.
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A massive pro-Trump rally in Washington, D.C., has been scheduled for the same afternoon in mid-September as the Juggalo March on Washington—which may cause fans of Trump and the Insane Clown Posse to converge on the National Mall.

On Tuesday, Consequence of Sound reported that the”Mother of All Rallies” (M.O.A.R.) had scheduled its rally to “defend American culture and values” to begin on September 16th, 2017, at the Washington Monument. Juggalos—shorthand for fans of the Insane Clown Posse—have for over a year been planning a march that same day, starting at the Lincoln Memorial, to protest the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s classification of their group as a “gang” in 2012. The M.O.A.R. protest is scheduled for 11 a.m., and the Juggalo March for noon. If both take their marches to the National Mall, it’s likely the two groups will meet there.

On Wednesday, news of M.O.A.R.’s concurrent September 16th march was a topic of discussion on the Juggalo March on Washington’s Facebook page. Several members expressed their disagreement with the views of the M.O.A.R. protesters.

“I think we should show them what america is esspecially [sic] after charlettesville [sic]…,” Melissa Blodgett wrote on Wednesday. Another noted that M.O.A.R. appeared to be “coming for a fight” after the events in Charlottesville the previous weekend.

Facebook user Cielo Crepúsculo Tramontane Rose made it clear that the Juggalo march would have an aim distinct from M.O.A.R.’s: “So apparently there will also be some kind of skinhead rally? And Steve Bannon just called the white supremacists a bunch of clowns.. seems like they’re trying to lump us in with people spouting hate. We need to come in with a strong message of Juggalo Love,” Rose wrote.

M.O.A.R. does not explicitly call itself a pro-Trump gathering, but pictures on the event’s website show attendees in Trump T-shirts, as well as attendees giving an “OK hand signal,” which has been adopted by members of the alt-right.

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