Majority of Americans Disapprove of Senate Health-Care Bill

Nevertheless, most Americans want to see changes made to the Affordable Care Act.
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More than half of Americans disapprove of the Senate health-care bill now under consideration, according to a new poll.

Fifty-five percent disapprove, compared to just 17 percent who approve and 27 percent who either haven’t heard enough about the bill to form an opinion or are just unsure, according to an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

Nevertheless, most Americans want to see changes made to the Affordable Care Act. Forty-six percent want politicians to change Obamacare “so it does more.” A good number, 25 percent, want Obamacare to be repealed completely. Seventeen percent want the law to be kept intact, and 7 percent want Obamacare to “do less” than it now does.

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