Jarrod Ramos, a 38-year old resident of Laurel, Maryland, opened fire at the offices of the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, shooting and killing five newspaper employees and injuring two more on Thursday, June 28th.
The first shots were reported at 2:40 p.m from within the Capital Gazette office building. After an immediate and massive police response, Anne Arundel County’s acting chief of police William Krampf said that the attack was planned, and that the lone gunman used smoke grenades and a shotgun to break into the building.
Several employees, including the Gazette‘s crime reporter Phil Davis, tweeted live updates from the scene. Despite the overwhelming amount of shock, trauma, and confusion experienced by the newspaper staff, the Capital Gazette still managed to print a Friday edition the next morning. Here are some scenes from Thursday in Annapolis.

(Photo: Alex Wroblewski/Getty Images)

(Photo: Alex Wroblewski/Getty Images)

(Photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

(Photo: Ivan Couronne/AFP/Getty Images)

(Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)