Viewfinder: Locals Examine Debris From the Ethiopian Airlines Plane Crash

Two local boys examine a pile of twisted metal gathered by workers during the continuing recovery efforts at the crash site of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 on March 11th, 2019, in Bishoftu, Ethiopia.
Two local boys examine a pile of twisted metal gathered by workers during the continuing recovery efforts at the crash site of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 on March 11th, 2019, in Bishoftu, Ethiopia. The plane was just six minutes into its flight to Nairobi, Kenya, when it crashed, killing all 157 passengers and crew on board on March 10th. As a result of the crash, Ethiopia joined China and other countries in grounding its fleet of Boeing 737 Max 8 jets.

Viewfinder is Pacific Standard’s daily photo feature, showcasing one image from the news.

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