Over 200 Female Animators Call for an End to Sexual Harassment

Their note arrived the same day Nickelodeon fired an animation-series creator accused of sexual harassment.

The same day Nickelodeon fired an animation-series creator accused of sexual harassment, over 200 animation-industry employees signed a letter demanding an end to sexual harassment in their workplaces.

The letter, which was sent to executives at major studios on Thursday, included 217 signatures by women and gender-non-conforming people in the animation industry, The Hollywood Reporter confirmed on Friday. Signatories included Bob’s Burgers producer and writer Wendy Molyneau and Steven Universe creator Rebecca Sugar.

“In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, many of the women who work in animation have begun discussing more openly issues that we have dealt with quietly throughout our careers. As we came together to share our stories of sexism, sexual harassment and, in some cases, sexual assault, we were struck by the pervasiveness of the problem,” the letter reads. “Every one of us has a story to share, from tossed-off comments about our body parts that were framed as ‘jokes’ to women being cornered in dark rooms by male colleagues to criminal assault.”

The letter notes that women comprise only 23 percent of union employees in the entertainment industry, making them a particularly vulnerable population to harassment and abuse. In addition to stating the need for “clear and enforceable sexual harassment policies,” the letter demands that the Animation Guild pledge to censure, fine, suspend, or expel any member who exhibits prejudicial behavior.

The letter was reported on the same afternoon Nickelodeon announced that Loud House creator Chris Savino had been dismissed from his position at the studio after multiple allegations of sexual harassment. You can read the letter in full at The Hollywood Reporter.

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