Ranking States’ Citizen Embarrassment Levels

Amid a rush of political scandals and missteps, we figure that some citizens are more embarrassed for their state than others. We look at the shameful headlines and determine where these states would rank on the citizen embarrassment level.

Ideological hijinks, bipartisan incompetence and outright corruption have infected state capitals — and mortified citizens — across the U.S. Is there a cure? We’re supplying a dose of satire; if you have a more effective therapy let us know.

If we’ve snubbed your state or left out a well-qualified candidate for our collection, please give us your nomination and your reasoning by leaving a comment below or by e-mailing theeditor@miller-mccune.com. Until then, we’ll just focus on our not-so-magnificent seven: Virginia, Illinois, California, New York, Tennessee, Arizona and Texas.

Click a state in the box below to learn more about the hijinks, incompetence and corruption in that particular state capital.

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