Reader Feedback of the Week: Strength in Numbers

I was pleasantly surprised to find Daniel Duane’s piece on weightlifting (“How the Other Half Lifts,” July/August).

I was pleasantly surprised to find Daniel Duane‘s piece on weightlifting (“How the Other Half Lifts,” July/August). I am a former discus thrower and a still-avid lifter. I also just earned a doctorate in clinical psychology and an MBA. When I walk into the gym or enter a throwing competition, I often downplay my professional training as a psychotherapist. When I walk into a psychology conference, I downplay my love of strength training. I understand the conflict Duane feels between his liberal, educated, upper-middle-class sensibilities and his desire for the unbridled pursuit of physical strength. However, my liberal therapist friends and my buddies from the gym figure it out pretty quickly when given a chance.

Thomas Reynolds
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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