Over the past few days at Pacific Standard, we have been heads-down at our desks, flipping through the pages of our just-off-the-presses 15th print issue. (“Please don’t let there be a mistake!”) Happily, as each issue materializes, I realize how far the magazine has come in the two-plus years we’ve been producing Pacific Standard and PSmag.com. I could prove it by rambling on about our deft and talented writers and editors, illustrators and designers. (Or reminiscing on some early choices.) Or you can see for yourself. As of the July/August issue—thanks to a lot of hard work by our digital staff, and PS Art Director Craig Edwards, we are now available not only on newsstands and through print subscriptions, but in several digital formats too. (Our September/October issue will be available in digital formats on Tuesday, August 26.)

In fact, here are all the ways you could get the whole package as soon as it’s available, weeks before most stories are posted to PSmag.com:
- Subscribe to the magazine in print: http://www.psmag.com/subscribe
- Purchase a digital edition at the Apple Store for your iPad: http://www.psmag.com/appstore. You can select single issues, including some of our most recent editions, or an annual subscription.
- Buy a digital edition at Zinio for other platforms, including Android, PC/MAC, iPhone, and Win8: http://www.psmag.com/zinio
- And—soon!—you’ll be able to read us on your Android using Google Play.
Thank you. —Maria Streshinsky