View From Your Ivory Tower #11

One reader who correctly guesses the campus on which this photograph was taken will win a one-year subscription to our print magazine. Also, get the answer to the July 10 contest.

First, the answer to the July 10 contest, which we extended because no one had yet guessed correctly: Harvard Business School. Even with the extension, this one stumped everyone.

Casey Brock-Wilson submitted the photograph, describing the scene this way: “From the Aldrich building looking out on the Spangler lawn!”

And with that, here’s this week’s mystery photo:

Check back next Friday for notes on where this photograph was taken—and see if your guess was accurate. And, in the meantime, consider submitting a photograph of your own.

Happy guessing!

View From Your Ivory Tower is a photo submission contest. High-resolution photographs of views from the windows of places of higher education should be emailed and include the name of the institution and a description of the buildings or landscapes pictured. Those whose photos are selected will receive a free one-year subscription to our print magazine.

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