View From Your Ivory Tower #2

One reader who correctly guesses the campus on which this photograph was taken will win a one-year subscription to our print magazine. Also, get the answer from last week’s contest.

First, the answer to last week’s contest: the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine. Surprisingly, many readers guessed the campus correctly, but we selected Steven Young as the winner of a print subscription to Pacific Standard for the depth of his analysis. Of his reasoning, he wrote: 

Had to be in the northern climes, the white birch in the foreground makes it more likely for the eastern US. Looked on google maps for likely candidates in Maine, found that Bar Island has the same shape as the one in the pic along with the land bridge thingy.

Bravo, Steven.

The photograph was submitted by reader Darron Collins, who happens to be the president (!) and an alumnus of the school. He described the scene this way in his entry:

The attached photo is a view from my office window (I left a small sliver of the granite window ledge for proof that I’m inside). The building I’m in is called The Turrets. It’s a renovated granite block “summer cottage” built in 1895 by Bruce Price, the architect of the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City. I’m looking out in Frenchman Bay and the spit of land you see is a sand bar that creates a natural bridge to, ye, Bar Island. I can watch as folks and deer walk across to the Bar and can watch tourists get their car stuck in the mud trying to drive across.

And with that, this week’s mystery photo:

Check back next Friday for notes on where this photograph was taken—and see if your guess was accurate. And, in the meantime, consider submitting a photograph of your own.

Happy guessing!

View From Your Ivory Tower is a photo submission contest. High-resolution photographs of views from the windows of places of higher education should be emailed to and include the name of the institution and a description of the buildings or landscapes pictured. Those whose photos are selected will receive a free one-year subscription to our print magazine.

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