Environment The Complete Book of Robots A comprehensive new robotics handbook raises the question: Will we take these machines into our everyday lives? A Miller-McCune interview of the University of Naples' Bruno Siciliano. Matt Palmquist
News in Brief Law and Terror A legal analyst argues for a novel solution to the legal wars over anti-terrorism policy: Congress doing its job. Mark Obbie
News in Brief Succor. Succor in the Court. There's a problem with problem-solving courts: Taxpayers don't understand how well they work. Bernice Yeung
Social Justice Pax Americana Geriatrica An unprecedented era of great-power aging makes it likely the 21st century will, again, be American. Mark L. Haas
Social Justice OK, Maybe Joan Rivers Can Still Use It for Her Headaches … A look at some current research that merits a raised eyebrow or a painful grin. Miller-McCune Staff
Social Justice Oprah and the Downfall of American Society A journalism professor finds a straw woman on daytime TV and, in the name of scholarship, knocks her right down. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Old Without Wheels About 600,000 elderly stop driving every year. How can we keep them mobile? Matt Palmquist
Economics An Insidious Hit Piece Commissioned by the Misanthropy World? We Get Letters: Somehow, we doubt it. Miller-McCune Readers
Environment Slow: Whale Xing Biologist Christopher Clark builds sonic buoys that help ships avoid running down the last of the right whales. Lindsey McCormack
Social Justice Solar Power: The Next Generation Offline Diary: An old way of turning sunlight into electricity reinvents itself in California. Tom Jacobs