Social Justice (Wheel) Running Addictions Away Here's a thought for the New Year: Binge-drinking mice could help pave the way for exercise-oriented alcohol addiction treatments for humans. Erik Hayden
Economics Teen Driving Fatalities Linked to Alcohol Ads New research suggests a ban on alcohol ads aimed at minors reduces drunken driving among teens. Tom Jacobs
Economics Hey, Ladies … It’s Not Beer, It’s Medicine New full-bodied research finds beer drinking increases bone mass in older women. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Moderate Drinking Sails in Stormy Waters Amid gallons of competing studies about the benefits and banes of alcohol, the consistent message that moderation is a good course gets refined. Michael Haederle
Social Justice Genetics May Play Role in Alcohol-Related Birth Defects Genetics may help explain why the children of some women who drink alcohol during pregnancy have birth defects and others do not. Matt Palmquist
Social Justice Zinc During Pregnancy Can Reduce Alcohol’s Ills Researchers have long known that binge drinking — even only once — during the early stages of pregnancy… Matt Palmquist
Economics Raise Taxes, Lower Alcohol Consumption Policymakers have experimented with of various ways of reducing excess alcohol consumption, but the most effective tool may be the simplest: Use targeted taxes to increase the price. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief P. People O. Miller-McCune's experts offer solutions to problems that were under-discussed during the presidential campaign. Bill Savage
Social Justice Tennis Anyone? Just Follow the Bouncing Ball … Flaws in human vision produce incorrect "out" calls by tennis referees at Wimbledon. Miller-McCune Staff
Social Justice In Alaska, Tax Hike on Alcohol Leads to Fewer Deaths "Sin taxes" are known to modify behavior a bit, but small adjustments may reap bigger rewards than expected. Matt Palmquist