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59 posts
The Invisible, Manipulative Power of Persuasive Technology
Amazon’s one-click shopping, Facebook’s News Feed, countless mobile apps: Persuasive technology is being used to influence your behavior all day long—often without you even knowing it.
Kindle Worlds’ Strange New Terrain
Silo Saga and Peace in Amber author Hugh Howey talks about Amazon's revolutionary new imprint, and fan fiction's rapidly shifting landscape.
Before Drones, We Used Airplanes for Home Delivery
Once upon a time, you could get all kinds of home goods delivered to your house in less than 30 minutes—as long as you lived near a golf course.
One of Amazon’s Best-Selling Cameras Is a Fake
Despite dropping crime rates and research proving their ineffectiveness, dummy security cameras keep selling.
How Long Until I Never Have to Leave Home Again?
Paul Hiebert wants to know when he'll be able to do everything from the comfort of his couch. The day is coming, and it doesn't appear too far away.
The Cult of Amazon
Who would write, almost daily, 1,000-word overviews of composers and music that most of the general population has never heard of and probably don't care to know about? Inside the weird world of Amazon's most hardcore reviewers and their quest for the best.
The First Audiobook: an LP for the Blind
Before they started playing music, LPs were used to play books for those who couldn't see.
Who Will Cry for the Campus Bookstore?
Over at the New Republic, Mark Athitakis plays a very small violin for a threatened institution: the college…