Yes, Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson threw a damning interception late in the game. But research suggests his coach never should have called that play anyway.
New research suggests that not all casual sex is bad. For those legitimately interested, it can boost life satisfaction and self-esteem and lessen anxiety.
Now that we’re finally starting to recognize mental health as a serious problem in America, we need to put in place the structures necessary to support those willing to study—and treat—it. As part of our week-long series on booms and busts, Jamie Wiebe asks: If MHC is a booming field, where’s the boomtown?
For the month of April we're profiling the individuals who made our inaugural list of the 30 top thinkers under 30, the young men and women we predict will have a serious impact on the social, political, and economic issues we cover every day here at Pacific Standard.