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26 posts
Are Ugly Faces More Memorable?
Sure, but you're also more likely to think you remember a beauty you don't even know.
Online, Mozart in Background Boosts Women’s Attractiveness
But a study finds men are more likely to be judged as good-looking if heavy metal is used as background music on their homepage.
Large Looks Lovely to the Stressed-Out Male
A new study from England finds men who have just sweated through a tough assignment are more likely to find overweight women attractive.
Flowers Make Women More Receptive to Romance
A French researcher finds flowers really do put women in a romantic mood.
Sexy News Anchors Distract Male Viewers
New research finds when a female news anchor’s sexual attractiveness is played up, male viewers retain less information.
College Guys Will Remember the Pretty Ones
In a recent experiment, women who showed interest in college-aged men were more likely to be remembered if they were deemed attractive.
Uncertainty Heightens Romantic Attraction
Newly published research suggests keeping a potential romantic partner guessing can pique his or her interest.
Beauty Leads to a Closer Look
New research finds physically attractive people are viewed both more positively and more accurately.
The Magnetic Appeal of a Meaningful Life
A sense one’s life has meaning increases one’s allure in social situations, according to new research.