Economics Qualified, But Just Too Handsome New research finds that attractive people in the business world or academia may be at a disadvantage when they’re evaluated by a member of the same sex. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Admire Her Body, Hamper Her Brain? New research suggests sexual objectification hinders some women's cognitive ability. Tom Jacobs
Business & Economics Economics Previous Site Sections A Whiff of Desire: Testosterone Levels Sensitive to Scent The scent of an ovulating woman is linked to higher testosterone levels in men. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Narcissism Linked to Attractiveness New research suggests people who enjoy gazing in the mirror have reason to like what they see. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Hungry Men Love Larger Ladies What's your idea of an ideal mate? The answer may depend upon whether your stomach is rumbling. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Wear Red, Knock ’Em Dead Men find a woman in red activates their animal urges, according to a pair of psychology researchers. Tom Jacobs