News in Brief ‘Who Won?’ Is the Worst Question to Ask About a Candidate Debate Debates have many useful functions, but determining winners and losers is not one of them. Seth Masket
News in Brief The Body Language Behind the Presidential Debates How candidates' bodies say more than their advertising buys ever will. Jared Keller
News in Brief Politics in the Post-Gaffe Era Inflammatory soundbites have become this cycle’s most precious currency. Is it even possible to commit a gaffe any more? Ted Scheinman
Social Justice Five Studies: The Psychology of the Ultra-Rich, According to the Research Bernie Sanders says that billionaires have “psychiatric issues.” He’s not entirely incorrect. Livia Gershon
News in Brief The Democrats’ Central Dilemma: How to Talk Micro, Not Macro Professor Julia Azari weighs in on the rift in the Democratic Party. Max Ufberg