Social Justice PTSD Affecting More U.S. Soldiers Than British Why do so many American and so few British soldiers suffer from post-traumatic stress? Michael Scott Moore
Books & Culture News in Brief Previous Site Sections Religious Affiliation and Brain Shrinkage New research finds membership in a minority religion seems to hasten a loss of volume of the hippocampal region of the brain. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Study of Emotion: Women’s Brains Are Wired for Compassion Brain-scan research from Mexico suggests women’s neural systems respond more robustly to images that evoke compassion. Tom Jacobs
Environment Thoreau Was Right: Nature Hones the Mind Studies show nature restores our spirits, improves our thinking, keeps us healthier and probably even saner. John McKinney
Economics Neuroscience: Is it All in Your Mind? Although it’s fun and science-y to know how the physical brain parses data, most of us really should be more interested in what the mind is doing. Nate Kornell and Sam Kornell
Environment I Foresee an Uproar Over an ESP Study Rather than accepting or rejecting controversial findings — like Daryl Bem’s upcoming paper on ESP — based on preconceived notions, how about approaching them with scientific scrutiny? Nate Kornell and Sam Kornell
Social Justice Your Brain, Behind the Scenes Dr. Pierre-Michel Bernier discusses the incredible calculations your brain performs to plan even the simplest movements. Jai Ranganathan
Environment Your Brain: A User’s Guide New books "Self Comes to Mind" and "On Second Thought" examine the origins of consciousness, and the unconscious pulls that influence our behavior. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Listening for the Key to Reverse Aging New research on responding to sound may have found a key to reversing, or even preventing, one of the effects of aging. Jessica Hilo
Economics ESP Study Suggests Lack of Trust in Science Newly published research on belief in ESP suggests a public disregard for — and perhaps even hostility toward — the scientific consensus. Tom Jacobs