Economics How Can Rust Belt Cities Attract More Immigrants? Communities might roll out the red carpet for the foreign-born, but the more welcoming disposition doesn't do the trick. Jim Russell
Economics Re-Location Is an Entrepreneurial Act Out of necessity, old habits die easily for migrants. Jim Russell
Economics Economic Growth in an Era of Demographic Decline A shrinking population isn't the end of economic expansion. Jim Russell
Economics The Political Geography of Market Urbanism The later the economic boom, the greater the municipal area. Jim Russell
Economics Debunking Texas Exceptionalism Winning the demographic lottery is nothing to crow about. Jim Russell
Economics The Talent Migration Paradox Better to develop people and have them leave than to attract and retain college graduates. Jim Russell
Economics The Geography of Aspiration Migration analysis places too much emphasis on push factors and not enough on the pull of opportunity. Jim Russell
Economics Social Innovation and Informal Housing Supply Changing zoning regulations is an inefficient way to address the housing affordability problem. Jim Russell
Education The Futility of Trying to Attract (and Retain) College Graduates The young and well educated are moving to the largest cities. They don't care about a lower cost of living or cool amenities. Jim Russell
Economics Are High Housing Costs Forcing Talent to Flee Silicon Valley? The pull of opportunity, not the push of expensive real estate, drives migration from California. Jim Russell