Social Justice Walkability Boondoggle Making your city walkable isn't enough to attract and retain talent. People follow jobs, not sidewalks. Jim Russell
Social Justice Geography of Innovation: Why Nashville Is Music City Quality of interaction trumps density of interaction any day, and the Tennessee capital has a critical mass of talent from all over the world. Jim Russell
Social Justice Why Technology Firms Are Moving Downtown Young and inexperienced (and cheap) talent has never wanted to live in the suburbs. It's just not cool. Jim Russell
Social Justice Move to Dubuque, Not San Francisco In Silicon Valley, the cost for talent is too high—and climbing. Will smart technology companies start moving to smaller markets? Behold the brave new economic geography. Jim Russell
Social Justice Richard Florida Explains Why Density Doesn’t Impact Innovation The more parochial a place, the more ineffective the talent. Jim Russell
Social Justice Gentrification of Work in the City As an urban activity, work has been displaced. Jim Russell
Social Justice Triumph of the Entrepreneurial City As long as talented people born in different places are coming together, even the Orkney Islands can be an innovation hub. Jim Russell
Social Justice Rust Belt Geography and Awful Journalism The dominant view of dying cities is outdated and wrong, and journalists are largely responsible for the geographic misconceptions. Jim Russell
Social Justice Urban Minor Leagues of Globalization Manufacturing used to be concentrated in a few great American cities, but the landscape is changing fast. Jim Russell