Social Justice Connecting Neighborhoods, Not Nations: Small Geographic Scales of Globalization The financial crisis turned the world upside down. Jim Russell
Social Justice Geography of the Legacy Economy: Mapping the Next Boom With real estate markets tapped out in primary markets, investors will look to secondary ones—Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Phoenix—with legacy assets. Jim Russell
Social Justice Warm Januaries and Cold Julys: Climate Doesn’t Affect Human Migration Patterns When it comes to migration, it's all about economics and proximity. Jim Russell
Social Justice Demographically Speaking, Cleveland Is Outperforming Chicago And other findings from a couple of thought-provoking troublemakers. Jim Russell
Social Justice What Talent Shortage? The Great American Brain Waste of Our Captive Labor Market Our biggest businesses complain about a shortage of skilled labor. Instead of calling on the government to act, they should consider workplace policies that are friendlier to women and immigrants. Jim Russell
Social Justice Border Guard Bob Says, ‘Pittsburgh Is Dying’ Every one in every place, it seems, has an idea for how to keep young college graduates from moving away. But is it even possible? Jim Russell
Social Justice Long Island Is Dying, Again Population change obscures more than it illuminates. Jim Russell
Social Justice The Era of Dying Places: Everyone Is Starved for Talent, but Migration Is a Thing of the Past What happens when a place is no longer able to attract more people? Jim Russell
Education MOOCs Are Going to Make College Even More Expensive Many massive open online courses serve as giant, viral marketing campaigns for universities looking to find even more potential students. Jim Russell
Social Justice Why the United States Will Rule the Legacy Economy Talent is the new oil, and our universities—talent production facilities—are the best in the world. Jim Russell