Browsing Tag
Burgh Diaspora
130 posts
‘The New York Times’ Is Dying
Hardly. Brain drain is an indicator of success, a sure sign of a talent refinery at work.
Portland Is Dying, Revisited
The City of Roses counts on the young and college educated migrating there. It shouldn't.
Diverging Demography of Baltimore and Africa
Someone tell the mayor of Baltimore that there are more important things to focus on than population growth.
Chicago Is Dying
For quality demographics, Chicago is world class. For quantity demographics, Chicago is dying. Which one matters more?
Texas Is Dying
The Lone Star State loves population growth, but that's a faulty way to measure economic development.
When Jobs Follow People
Talent moves for reasons other than employment. And sometimes they even bring jobs with them.
Doubling Down on Start-Up Las Vegas
Tony Hsieh of Zappos is hoping jobs will follow people out to Las Vegas, but does Sin City have enough to offer?