Social Justice Can a Credit Card-Sized Monitor Help India Battle Its Heart Disease Epidemic? Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in India. Neha Rastogi's portable electrocardiogram wants to end that. Dinsa Sachan
Social Justice A Branch of Medicine New research finds areas that experience a massive die-off of trees also suffer from an increase in cardiovascular disease. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice For Women, Divorce Increases Risk of Heart Attack Re-marriage lowers cardiovascular risks for divorced men, but not for divorced women. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice For Couples, Mutual Ambivalence Increases Cardiovascular Risk New research finds plaque build-up in the coronary arteries of older couples who expressed mixed feelings about one another. Tom Jacobs
Economics Playing Music May Lower Blood Pressure New research from the Netherlands finds neurocardial differences between young musicians and their non-musical peers. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Mother’s Travails May Appear in Offspring’s DNA Puzzled over health complications more persistent among African Americans than in other Americans, researchers invoke epigenetics. Michael Haederle