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146 posts
Information: The New Weight-Loss Drug
Research shows that nutritional information about fast food inspires parents to make healthier choices for their kids.
Values Forged in College Predict Adult Well-Being
New research finds a sense of purpose developed during college years sticks with you and helps shape adult behavior.
Office Seeks Higher Office
Having learned that corporations are people, too, one company takes the logic to the next step and runs for Congress.
Ground Control to Yogi Bear
Understanding bears' success at dozing through foodless winters may help human medical care or even impact interstellar flight.
An Effort to Find the Missing Missing
Legislation named for a missing 31-year-old man would tie together the various data threads on the nation's missing persons.
Obama’s Carrot and Shtick Approach
If you can't get a chuckle across the aisle, how could you have gotten health care reform across?
Government Rebates – The Uneasy Case For Subsidizing Energy Efficiency
Rebates for energy-efficient appliances don't stand up to the economic analysis that, until now, no one bothered to do.
Sexually Speaking, Men, Women Both From Mars
A new meta-analysis finds gender differences in sexual attitudes and behaviors are smaller than you may think.