Social Justice Rats and That Vision Thing Stem cells might be able to prevent blindness caused by macular degeneration. Elisabeth Best
Social Justice A Patient’s Mindset Can Speed Recovery A patient's attitudes and beliefs don't appear on any medical chart, but new research finds they influence the course of recovery. Tom Jacobs
Economics Might Health Care Reform Address Minority Gap? Beyond the humanity, there's a business case for tackling the persistent gap in health for most U.S. minorities. Emily Badger
Social Justice Understanding the Care and Feeding of Insurgents Researchers studying insurgent warfare across the planet think they've found some universal traits that may help future intervention. Michael Todd
Social Justice The Mental Roadblocks to Climate Change Social psychology finds a thread linking opposition to health care reform and climate change — and a possible way around the problem. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice A Tax By Any Other Name Gains Wider Support Just how toxic is the term "tax?" A newly published study suggests its use decreases support for climate change initiatives. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Cooling the Asphalt Jungle As green roofs proliferate to cool and cheer cityscapes, might they also suck up and store some of the carbon urban life pumps out? Enrique Gili
Economics Sinking Feelings About Storing Carbon Emissions on the Farm Climate legislation says we can stop global warming, improve our soils and help our farmers all at once. Not so fast. Nicholas Kusnetz
Social Justice U.S. Prison Populations Drifting Down Hammered by budget shortfalls and seeing declines in crime rates, 20 states have reduced inmate counts. Lewis Beale
Social Justice A Second Life For Orbiting Carbon Observatory? As the need to measure carbon absorption takes on global political and environmental import, researchers are rushing to resurrect a project that literally crashed and sank. David Richardson