Social Justice Continue to Ask, Pray Tell While the Pentagon gathers new information to support repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, academics say there's plenty out there already. Emily Badger
Social Justice Sirens and Bells and City-Busting Past The politics of remembering Allied bombing raids in Dresden pokes at the sensitive spots in Germany's democracy. Michael Scott Moore
Social Justice Context May Diminish Art Appreciation Surprising new research suggests non-experts’ receptiveness to modern artworks may be lessened when contextual information is presented. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Forecast: Warm With a Chance of Denial Despite the weight of scientific evidence, many TV meteorologists are global warming skeptics, survey shows Melinda Burns
Books & Culture News in Brief Previous Site Sections Going ‘Glocal’ What do gombo, hidden cameras and advertorials have in common? Hint: Each is a part of mainstream journalism somewhere in the world. Elisabeth Best
Economics The Evolution of Mardi Gras Rituals In this 'Wonks Gone Wild,' researchers say the hierarchical role-playing in Mardi Gras parades gave way to a free marketplace for beads, which included 'negotiated transactions.' Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Bee Healthy for Your Honey Explanations for honeybee colony collapse range from artificial sweeteners to loss of cropland, but solutions may be on offer. Janice Arenofsky
Books & Culture News in Brief Previous Site Sections Uncle Sam: Put Down That iPhone The administration’s latest dot-gov wants American drivers to focus on the road. But how will the populace react to chiding while driving? Emily Badger
Social Justice Valentine’s Day in the Lab A collection of academic musings on Valentine's Day traditions to keep you warm in bed at night (in the event that you don't find a date). Elisabeth Best
Business & Economics Economics Previous Site Sections History and Health Cooperatives Depression-era health solution may find new favor in the modern American struggle for health care change. Joan Melcher