Social Justice Trouble Ahead for Ritalin? "The general perception of methylphenidate as an effective drug for all children with ADHD seems out of step with the new evidence." Francie Diep
Social Justice Do Men Prioritize Family Time More Than Women? Elizabeth Weingarten unpacks a new study that suggests men prioritize home and family over work more than women do. Elizabeth Weingarten
News in Brief People Mostly Inherit What They Think Are Their Parents’ Politics The key word is "think"—people tend to identify with the same political parties they believe their parents do, even if that belief is wrong. Nathan Collins
Social Justice Goals, Not Delays, Teach Toddlers Self Control Reminding kids what they're supposed to be doing helps them make fewer errors, but asking them to wait has no effect. Nathan Collins
Social Justice The Benefits of the Ukulele on Kids’ Attitudes For certain Canadian children, music classes teach the benefits of sympathy and cooperation. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief When Religious Violence Can’t Escape Exemption A recent case of violence in a small, closed church highlights the role of religious exemptions in the American legal system. Francie Diep
Environment Next-Generation Prenatal Genetic Tests Are Turning Fate Into Choice As a new non-invasive technology makes prenatal genetic tests more common, many more pregnant women will have to choose whether or not to have a disabled child. Michael White
Social Justice Single Man Seeking Baby For a growing group of straight men, fertility clinics and gestational carriers are providing life after 40. David MacNeal
Economics How America’s Lack of Paid Maternity Leave Worsens Inequality Without access to paid maternity leave, many low-income mothers are forced to choose between their economic security and their health. Maya Dusenbery