Social Justice A Look at the Addictive Additives in Our Snacks and Drinks Basically, everything you want to munch on is bad for you. Allison Shapiro
Environment The Latest in Coffee Grounds Energy Technology Empty the grounds, add some lye ... hey, you've got a methane trap going. Nathan Collins
Social Justice True Patriots Take Their Coffee to Go The rich history, and intense American-ness, of the portable coffee cup. Katie Kilkenny
Social Justice A Toast Story How did toast become the latest artisanal food craze? Ask a trivial question, get a profound, heartbreaking answer. John Gravois
Economics Fair, but Not Fair Enough: Beyond Fair Trade Coffee Kenneth Lander believes he has found a better way to put farmers first. James McWilliams
Social Justice What to Accept When You’re Expecting Do we need to be scaring pregnant women so much? Dorothy Fortenberry
Economics Forget Gold and Bitcoin: Kissing Is the New Currency A cafe in Australia let's you buy a coffee with a kiss. Maybe they're on to something. Ryan O'Hanlon
Economics Coffee Won’t Keep Your Conscience Up at Night Is fancy-schmancy, fair-trade, shade-grown, bird-friendly, etc., etc., specialty coffee better for the planet's climate, too? Sam Kornell