Social Justice Another Cognitive Benefit for Musicians, Athletes New research from Germany finds honing one’s music or sports skills enhances at least one important mental ability. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice American Idolatry: So Bad You Just Gotta Be Good Those tone-deaf belters humiliating themselves for our amusement help explain why we think we’re better than the experts. Nate Kornell
Social Justice Admire Her Body, Hamper Her Brain? New research suggests sexual objectification hinders some women's cognitive ability. Tom Jacobs
Economics For Older Women, Up Side to Body Fat A new study suggests body fat may moderate post-menopausal mental decline. Tom Jacobs
Education Hardest Problems Can Make the Best Teachers For those challenges that are difficult to describe, tackling the hardest example first may be the best way to master a concept. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Mice in the Ivory Tower Some mice residing in universities (university laboratories in particular) might be smarter than their street savvy counterparts. Lisa Conti